Sunday, September 28, 2008

Check out Diego's trophy...........

I was able to snap a few pictures of Diego and his trophy- Enjoy!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Our Boys Are Super Stars

We are so proud of Little Ed and his soccer skills. Today his team ended the game with a 4 point tie. Eddie made a goal for the team and then he played goalie 4th quarter and blocked 2 shots. He played in amazing game and had a winning attitude. BTW- for those of you that didn't know Ed in previous years was scared to death of being goalie now he asks to play the position.
Ed-in deep concentration watching the ball.Below are pictures of Arroyo Grande Harvest Festival Diaper Derby. Diego entered into the boys"toddling category" . It was very exciting especially considering we had know idea what to expect. Below he is practicing before the big race.So nervous I was right before we started.............................(actually as you can see I am busy chatting with the other contestants)Ready--Set--Go-- I was on one side and Daddy and our fans were cheering and yelling on the other side.
GO DIEGO GO!!!!!!!!!
Yah Diego won 2nd place!
We are very blessed to have such good friends who were able to join us! The Gardner family, our wonderful neighbors which includes 3 boys and a girl were all cheering Diego on and we also had Auntie Marie from work with her two friends who helped get us pumped up and also was our photographer who took great pictures. Thank you all for your support we had a blast!
Below is Auntie Marie with Diego and his trophy and of course his bottle which is why he won.I got the best idea from my creative co-workers and friends in ironing on "Go Diego Go" for the big race. With Daddy's help this was the final product-we thought it was very cute.After an already very busy day we went to Los Osos so Big Ed could do a plumbing side job and while in OSOS we were able to visit with my sister and Melody then my Uncle Jim and Debbie and then my grandma! How nice it was to see my whole family in one day except for my parents. On the way home we went to see Daddy's job in Avila Beach and all the nice work he has done and on our way home we decided to stop at the Avila Valley Barn.
Here is little Ed exiting the hay maze!

And then we have daddy and Diego, this was Diego's first time in the hay maze and as you can see he wasn't quite sure what it was all about.

This is going to be Diego's 2nd Halloween but this year he is able to enjoy pumpkins. Here he is trying to get the baby pumpkin and then he tried to eat it.

It was so cute to see Diego checking all the pumpkins and their stems not quite sure what to do?

Now this was the funniest thing--Diego versus the pumpkin! He was very determined to move the pumpkin but the pumpkin seems to have won!

ERRRRR-he screams because it's NOT moving!!!!!!!! SO SO CUTE!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Happy 11 Months Diego & Kids Passport for WOW

Once again we got to work WOW weekend and participate in Kids Passport. It seems to be an annual family event and we enjoy every minute of it. Below are pictures of our busy day........................I'm 11 months old today!
He is so good about noise, right behind him was a live DJ and he managed to sleep!
Diego obviously has no fear............

I love this bouncy thing Mommy!

Lil Ed helping out at the booth with his official WOW Kids Passport shirt - thanks Auntie Drene!
Not sure what this is called but Lil Ed was on it all day. He had a blast and he managed to win all the time although he had a little problem when it was vest versus braces. His braces actually got caught in the Velcro on the vest - YIKES.
And he wins again!

Daddy's in charge

Daddy has once again passed the test regarding his daddy duty responsibilities! Mommy had to work Week of Welcome check-in so dad was in charge of the boys. He had to be sure Ed was on time and looking good for his soccer pictures then on to Ed's soccer game and after all that they managed to fit in some park time. The entire time I was working I didn't have too worry one bit! Below are pictures of a very busy Saturday! Enjoy!!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Check out the video below-watch the whole thing.....

Hit the triangle to play the video of Diego determined to get over the chest. Our everyday with him is full of adventure and him having NO fear . I swear it was the fish oil I took when I was pregnant - thanks Jen and Marie for the fish oil tip! We often remind Lil Ed what an angel he was from birth to his toddler years and it's SO true!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Our Labor Day an afternoon at Pismo Beach.

What a wonderful well deserved relaxing weekend we all had together. Today we decided after picking up the house we would go to Pismo Beach and little did we know we would ALL be in the water. It was Diego's real first time in the ocean and he still isn't sure about the temperature or the waves. Below you will see Lil Ed playing with Seaweed and Diego tying to take it all in. Enjoy the pictures!
"This is fun but I haven't been in the water yet""Um this sand is good"My boyz!
Mom pick me up please!
"Daddy- this feels so weird"
"Ah-I'm not sure about this sand and salty water"
"Brother what is that rope thing you have"

My love of my life! Each day I thank the Lord for my loving husband and amazing team player. Everyday he cooks our meals, cleans the house, does the laundry, takes care of the boys especially the baby, reads with Lil Ed does homework with Lil Ed and most of all he is the best father and husband anyone could ever have! I love you babe and thank you for everything you do for our family and especially for putting up with ME!