Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The Boys Annual Camping Trip

This year little Ed and I were invited on the 7th annual all mens camping trip. It was our second year going and we returned to Mineral King to conquer Sawtooth Peak. The peak is at 12,600 feet and we were able to make it up and back down in a day. Little Eddie did a great job and I was very proud that he was able to make it up. If you would like to check out the pictures that I took up there click on our photo below.

Sawtooth 2008

Monday, July 28, 2008

Lopez weekend with one of my bestest friends!

Here is Lauren-Say Hi! My sister has given us her Sea Doo that wasn't working but with Bid Ed's determination and stubbornness he was able to get it running again (why did I ever doubt him). The other weekend one of Mommy's long time friends came down with her two daughter's and we all went to Lake Lopez. We had a great time except there were way too many bees. The kids swam for most of the time to stay away from the bees even though it wasn't that warm.
This is Joshua who was scared to death of the bees poor guy but managed to keep them away!
Here is Delany Lauren's youngest.
Lil Ed
Here is Daddy a alone because he goes way to fast!
Here is Lauren's other daughter Hailey.
And last but not least Diego all covered up in his playpen.

Our 4th of July

Our 4th of July was nice and quite we BBQ'd with family and then we did fireworks at my parent's house. Every year we have the opportunity to work at the CHP firework stand in Oceano, Lil Ed loves taking the orders and bagging them up. This year was very exciting for Lil Ed because he got invited to the biggest 4th of July party in 5 cities at the Hayashi's. He enjoyed his time with his good friend Clay and Kyle and lit all his fireworks.

More fireworks!Ed ready to light more.
Doug and Daddy telling us to be very careful I'm sure.

More Children's Museum

Diego loved the books and puzzles in the toddler room.
Here are my future figherfighter boys.
Outside of the museum their is a spinny chair. Here is Grandpa LeRoy spinning Ed like crazy and he never felt sick. The kids watching were amazed that Lil Ed could spin so fast and not got sick and so was I.

Rock Band and our Children's Musuem Visit

What a nice gift we received from Tia Jackie and Melody-ROCK BAND! Lil Ed rocks at the drums and daddy plays guitar and mommy sings! Luckily we don't have neighbors close by because we are still learning! Thank you Tia Jackie and Melody!
Grandpa LeRoy and Grandma Lee treated me and the boys to the NEW San Luis Children's Museum. Diego had a blast as Lil Ed was a little reserved!
Smile Ed
Diego loved the squishy floor and enjoyed all the different climbing obstacles they had for babies.