Monday, August 25, 2008

Can you believe he is walking already?

Click the arrow to see Diego walk-sorry about the background noise yup it's me!

For those of you that haven't seen Diego in person check out the boys curls!

Today I went to pick up Diego from school and saw his eye this is what happens when you try and battle the sandbox. This is the 2nd wound since he started walking.

Oh my I got another black eye!

Lil Ed's 1st Day Of 4th Grade

Today was Ed's 1st day of the 4th Grade in room 9 with Mr. Nygard. He was a bit nervous this morning not knowing what to expect but by the end of the day when I picked him up he said " he had a great day". Here is Lil Ed in his new classroom at the end of the day! He survived!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

We'll be back tomorrow 8/25

Come back for updates because tomorrow is Lil Ed's first day of 4th grade!

Diego started walking at 9 1/2 months -YIKES

With Lil Ed walking at 13 months we thought we had a while before Diego was going to walk but he has managed to fool us all because he started walking the weekend we were at Buelo's. He was bound and determined to walk and to get up on his own and now he is everywhere and is an expert walker. If you notice in the picture below the bruise-Yup this is from one of his many falls. These are pictures of Diego knocked out because he spends all day at school walking all over and back and forth in their backyard! Daddy takes these pictures at about 5 or so and I had to share.
Here he is again knocked out!
As I have been sharing with many that Diego is very different then Lil Ed. Lil Ed was my quite, cautious kid and Diego well he is our Lil terror. Here he was climbing as always and at one point he looked like Spider man tyring to climb the wall. Thank goodness we've met our deductible for the year because this boy is going to keep us very busy.

Diego's scary moment but he's all better now!

As many of you already know Diego had a very scary ordeal while the Big Boys were out of town camping on July 21st. It all started on Thursday night when Diego and I were home alone and I gave him his nightly bath. When I washed his hair he seemed a bit grumpy in that he cried but then got over it pretty quick. He had been fighting earaches since May 30 and had been on several antibiotics as a matter of fact that same week we went back to the doctor and his earaches were back so on to a different medicine. I had taken Friday off to spend time with my family and we went to visit my grandma (see picture below). It was their that my mother and I noticed that Diego's ear was protruding out and had a tumor like bump behind the ear. My mother and I thought it was a bug bite of some sort and I let it go. The next morning I called my mom and was still concerned about his ear and that is when I decided to take him in and thank GOD I did. It was at that doctors visit that we found out that Diego had Mastoiditis which is very serious and suppose to be extremely painful yet Diego showed no pain at all! That day they gave Diego an injection of a very strong antibiotic and we were told to come back by noon the next day. So nervous I was but stayed as calm as Erika can and of course went home and self diagnosed on the Internet which made things worse but I made it through the night waiting for the next day. All I wanted was to get a hold of Big Ed but new he was somewhere in the mountains with no cell service. The next morning we went to our appointment where they then sent us to check in to Sierra Vista which I wasn't expecting at all. Long story short they did several CAT SCANS photos to check if there was fluid in the brain and then on to emergency surgery and released the fluid from behind the ear and at the same time put tubes in both ears. WOW- it happened so fast and we had absolutely amazing doctors and nurses that took good such good care of Diego. Oh yah Big Ed arrived just in time as they were taking Diego into surgery-THANK GOD again! The doctors ended up growing the bacteria in the lab and it came back with MRSA and another bug so more antibiotics and shots were administered but we just had our last visit last week and everything looks great. Thank you all who were so supportive to us during this trying time we couldn't of done it without YOU!
One more thing: Mastoiditis is very rare and they haven't seen it for over 20 years-crazy huh!
The things that happen at Buelo's! Here we have Diego in the pretty pink stroller sipping on his water while he eats an Oreo. That is definitely a treat for our little guy!
We love going to Tia Rosie's because we get to play with all of our cousins and most of the play is in the pool.